Hello you!

I’m a UK based photographer and adventurer who is always trying to delve into the deepest mysteries of our environment by interrogating them with my camera.

I am fascinated by the natural processes and movements of the world which shift particles slowly around into wonderful compositions which are always new.

When I am photographing, I imagine the vast scales of the universe down to the very atoms which make up the world we inhabit.

Here’s some food for thought… We are, in relation to an electron, the size of the Milky Way - our galaxy. And, if you reduced the Milky Way to the size of North America, our solar system would orbit around your fingertip.

With these kinds of thoughts in mind I try to move beyond human scales in my images and capture not just a shore or a flowing river, but also some of the essence of the universal processes which drive action in both the microcosm and macrocosm of existence.

Nature is full of repetition, but the same particles are never in the same place twice. I feel privileged to be one of the few who have ever lived to be able to capture these moments with modern technology and preserve them for years to come.

I support myself and my travels by selling limited edition prints of my work. If you require more information, or just fancy a chat, please let me know through email or this contact form and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

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